From The Bog

'Rrrrr' by Gay Tracy |
"Oh, evolve!" chides a bumper sticker I've seen now more than once, and perhaps you have as well. For Red Eft's
journey, it seems a fitting thought.
But first, welcome to the inaugural on-line issue of Red Eft. To past contributors and readers, welcome back, and many
thanks for your patience, support and faith.
When Red Eft first emerged in 1994, the Web was in its prehistoric age and the idea of creating online literary publications
a seemingly hazy idea. But things changed -- and quickly. Perhaps the late biologist Stephen Jay Gould would have seen it
as a prime example of punctuated equilibrium -- evolution occurring not over eons, but within a generation or even a single
It's my hope for Red Eft to keep growing, evolving and changing, honoring a genre that itself grows and changes, all the
while remaining true to its roots.
Since the last issue of Red Eft, there have been many passages, including the loss of beloved writers whose work spoke
bravely to life's most fearsome demons.
This issue is dedicated to the memory of two -- novelist Robert Cormier, author of "The Chocolate War," and
many others. He was my friend and fellow alumnus of the Sentinel & Enterprise newspaper in Fitchburg, Mass. He never stopped
being a caring voice for his community or struggling to be heard over the clamor of censorship.
And, Arthur Miller, for "The Crucible," "Focus" and other works of dark realities from historic eras
that still speak to ours.
In this exciting and uncertain age we go forth, to evolve, and take the spirit of those who did so before us.
Yours primordially,